What To Do (And Not To Do) When You Get A Ticket

It’s not a good feeling when you’re driving down the road and you see the flashing lights of a police car right behind you. You move out of the way with the hope that he’ll go around you. Maybe? Hopefully? But NO! He’s pulling YOU over! You think, “Why me? What did I do…?”

We all hate getting pulled over because we know what’s coming – the dreaded traffic ticket!

On top of the fines and court costs that come with any moving violation, if you’re convicted, most moving violations such as SPEEDING, CARELESS DRIVING, IMPROPER PASSING, RECKLESS DRIVING, FAILURE TO MAINTAIN LANE, etc., give you “POINTS” on your license.

And the more “points” you get, the higher your insurance bill could go! You could also get SURCHARGES!

For more serious offenses like DWI, DRIVING WHILE SUSPENDED, DRIVING WITH NO INSURANCE, etc., not only are you facing fines, court costs, and surcharges, you also face a license suspension and even JAIL!

Traffic Court – What To Know!

When you get charged with a moving violation, whether it’s a speeding ticket or a DWI charge, your ticket will be handled by the Municipal Court in the township where you got the ticket. If you contest the charges, here’s who will be involved:

The Cop. First, there’s the Police Officer that issued you the ticket. On the day your case is scheduled for court he or she will be there to testify against you. And the Police Officer will review the evidence of your case with the Prosecutor…

The Prosecutor. The Prosecutor is the lawyer for the State. If, after reviewing the evidence, the Prosecutor concludes that there is probable cause to believe you violated the law, then he/she has an obligation to prosecute you as charged! Although the Prosecutor is a lawyer, he/she is NOT YOUR LAWYER and IS NOT obligated to protect your interest!

The Judge. After listening listening to the evidence at your trial, the Judge is the one that determines whether you’re guilty as charged.

Who Protects YOU?

Okay. So you got a traffic ticket. But you may make the situation even worse by paying your fine through the mail or internet or by going to court ALONE! Before you do anything CALL ME TO TALK ABOUT YOUR TICKET(S) FOR FREE!

Remember, you have an absolute “Constitutional Right” to a lawyer! Don’t ever give up that Right without first as least talking to me. Give yourself a fighting chance to avoid “points” and surcharges, save your money and your license and/or stay out of jail by talking to me.

Why Choose Me?

Of all the lawyers out there why should you choose me? Simply put, I’m an experienced traffic court lawyer – that’s affordable!

Over the past 16 years, I’ve represented literally thousands of people just like you all over South Jersey for all types of tickets and criminal charges. I am an experienced traffic court/criminal defense lawyer that’s ready willing and able to fight for and protect your rights!

I know the motor vehicle laws of New Jersey and, more importantly as far as you’re concerned, I know the defenses to those laws even better!

And know this – “I personally handle every case from beginning to end. Therefore, your case will get the personal attention it needs and deserves. Your file will not get passed on to another lawyer.”

  • My fees and AFFORDABLE.
  • I offer PAYMENTS PLANS if you need one.
  • I accept CREDIT CARDS
  • “Points” on your license can increase your car insurance bill! And the more “points” you get, the higher your bill could go! And for more serious offenses like DWI, Driving While Suspended and Driving With No Insurance, you face a license suspension and/or JAIL! Protect your “RIGHTS” and fight back by letting me help you!

I Know It’s Your Only Case!

I fight very hard to protect the rights of my clients! Although lawyers are not permitted to guarantee results, I pledge to you that I’ll give you 100% of my effort to fight for you to get the best result possible! And please know that I treat every case as if it’s my only case. Why?… Because I know it’s YOUR only case!

Contact a South Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorney Today

Facing a traffic violation? Protect your rights with an experienced traffic ticket attorney. Contact us today for a free consultation and strong legal representation.

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