If you get charged with a crime that you are innocent of, hiring an attorney is the only way you are going to be able to prove your innocence. If you choose to represent yourself in court and explain your situation, the judge will most likely cut you off. When you are factually innocent is when you really need to hire an attorney because you have more to lose. If you have charges in the state of New Jersey, you should find an attorney that practices in the state. A New Jersey DWI attorney would be one of the many choices.
A New Jersey DWI Attorney Can Find Mistakes
An attorney can prove your innocence in many ways. The attorney can take the evidence and find anything left with loose ends. He or she can use evidence to prove your innocence and reveal when someone else has made a mistake. If you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, your attorney can prove that you were not intending to commit a crime and can fight to get your charges dismissed in court. If an officer did not tell you your rights and forced consent, that is something your attorney can use to get your charges dismissed. The court will throw out anything that an officer finds after an unlawful stop or after not clearly stating your rights. Your attorney will know how to look at the evidence and find mistakes. An Attorney Can Change the Perspective
Your attorney can change the way the court looks at your case. For example, if are charged with assault because you got into a bar fight, your attorney can find evidence that changes the situation. There are a few different ways to defend assault charges like this one. An attorney can try to prove that the fight was mutual to get a lesser punishment. Another scenario could be that you used self-defense. Another scenario is that you were defending someone else. Different attorneys have various methods of helping you prove your innocence. It is important to find someone who defends and defend you well. Do your research to find someone with many years of experience. Whether you feel you did the right thing or you factually are innocent, your attorney should be able to find ways attempt to get your charges dismissed or lessening the punishment.