One of the many reasons companies buy insurance is to protect them from accidents. Unfortunately, unexpected things do happen, like employees or customers slipping and falling at a business. If you are a victim of a slip and fall at work or at a business, you may want legal assistance to fight your case. Depending on the severity of the fall, you may have expensive hospital bills to pay or may not be able to work for a month. Finding an experienced New Jersey attorney such as one from the law office of John C Iannelli may be the first step towards a successful lawsuit.

Fight for Worker's Compensation with a New Jersey Attorney

When you slip and fall at work, you should have some form of worker's compensation available for you. If you or anyone else has an accident on company property, that is your company's responsibility. Their insurance will cover your medical expenses. If the owners do not want to cooperate, then you can use an experienced attorney to help defend you. Your attorney will know strategic ways to properly defend you and find evidence that helps your case.

Slip and Fall as a Customer

If you slip and fall as a customer at a business, you have the right to receive compensation for your injuries. The staff at any business is trained to follow specific protocols and procedures to minimize accidents. Often, however, cases involving an injured customer overlook the reason the customer fell in the first place. If a customer slipped on a wet spot on the floor, there should have been a "wet floor" sign there to warn him. There are many reasons the floor could have been wet. It could have been that another customer spilled something, that an employee left a spot from cleaning, or that there is a leak from the ceiling. If you are an injured customer, your attorney will fight to defend you. Your attorney wants to build a strong case to help you win the lawsuit. Do not let a slip and fall hurt your life any more than it already has. Using an experienced attorney will help your chances of winning your case and getting the maximum reward. It doesn't matter if you are an employee or a customer; a slip and fall is going to hurt you the same way. If you need an experienced New Jersey attorney, call the Law Office of John C Iannelli at 856-227-2434 today. You can also check out the website for further information about the law office.